Optimilk – Optimal Management for dairy Farms

Optimilk is an Israeli company which is characterized by its unique point of view of the farm whole special needs that allow the operation of the farm in a level of milk production plant. In the modern world, operational efficiency and transparency of the production processes are required in order to reach the goal where the consumer gets an European quality standard product at a price that matches the local market. Achieving this goal requires the use of advanced technologies and processes that are different from the classical current farm management method.

Most of the farms that are using our consultation services, are suffering from diseases that can be classified under the same common title of inefficiency. The symptoms of these diseases at those farms are usually expressed in:

  • Decrease / or large fluctuations of milk production
  • High level of fixed costs
  • Ineffective management of the herd.
  • Erosion of gross margin and operating

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